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Cyber-chess the online Chess site for beginners


Wolverhampton Chess Club

The following down-loadable worksheets have been designed for teachers of young children who wish to learn about chess. The are in a pdf format and are A4 size - ready to photocopy.

It is important that children who intend to learn to play the game, become familiar with the correct names and symbols at an early stage. These worksheets will build up into a portfolio for the child, summarising what they have learnt - the sheets will become a set of notes for reference use.

Tthe worksheets are suitable for developing a range of skills: handwriting practice, learning vocabulary/spelling, 'colouring-in', mathematics.

We hope that they will be useful to you, not only for your budding 'Chess Club' but also as an exercise to familiarise your whole class with the world of Chess; thereby expanding their general knowledge of the world..

Please contact us by e-mail if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve the assets provided by this site.

Click on a link below to go to a page describing the worksheet. A download link for the sheet is on that page.