Unlike many other Sports, we do not have to rely on memory (or a video recorder) to recall the 'blow by blow' details of a game. It is possible to keep an exact record of how a game was played on a score sheet.
I have found this useful link to a score sheet you can download, and print for your own use.

The Score Sheet records the details of the players (name, ranking, which board they played on, which colour they were etc.), the date of the game and the moves of the game. This example also records the time for each move!
There is usually a board diagram on the form for you to pencil in the final position of a game that has to be adjudicated - where a decision on who won has to be made.
There are countless millions of chess games recorded in books and databases. Which means that we have access to many chess games, some of which were played hundreds of years ago. We can therefore look at how great players of the past played games and learn from their strategic skills and insights into the game.
Go to the page on 'Chess Notation'. |